Wileman Engineers Ltd

Crusher Installation Ready to Go



Wileman Engineers latest installation awaits final electrical installation before start up.

The installation included the removal of an old Baxter jaw crusher and it’s replacement with a Hazemag HSI 1010 fed by Skako vibratory tray feeder. The project also required the removal of a Barmac VSI crusher further down the line and its replacement with a bypass chute system. The Hazemag will now take the place of two crushers and produce the size and shape required by the customer, Longwater Gravels Ltd of Norwich.

All work designed, supplied and installed by the team at Wileman Engineers Limited.

The Operations Director, Simon Smith quoted “The job looks superb, big thanks to the team at Wileman Engineers Ltd and their installation gang.”

For more information on Wileman Engineers Ltd visit are website on xenodochial-noyce.80-66-202-123.plesk.page





Wileman Engineers LTD

Wileman Engineers LTD

Design Solutions for Material Handling